Saturday 19 October 2013

Want to celebrate Christmas in the most memorable and stylish way? I want to.
So I browsed the Internet for Christmas trees and other decorative lighting that are newest, cheapest and most attractive.

Here are some places where you will find a good collection:
Christmas trees
Fairy lights
Flood lights
Indoor Christmas Figures
Outdoor Icicle lights  (Get 10% off on selected items - for a limited time only)

Tuesday 15 October 2013

A British newspaper has reported that an official has said 'half of all child sexual exploitation takes place on social networks'
Peter Davies, chief executive of Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre, said though Facebook is not the only one social network but it is the major one. However, he said 'It is important to realise that the medium is not to blame, the medium might be managed better, so it is safer for its users.'
The news report said there may be an estimated 300 million sexual images of children circulating in the UK.


Monday 14 October 2013

Convenience meals & Christmas hamper

A BBC report* said business inspiration can come from unlikely places. To support this, it has published a news story that tells how Charlie Brigham was inspired to go into the food industry. He decided to go into Food business while travelling from UK to India on a camper van with his girl friend. Strangely, he did not have any knowledge about food. That was 17 years ago. Now his business employs 200 people. However, Brigham says, one has to be lucky to set up a successful business.


Deaths due to stampede

Reports say that 89 people were killed in a stampede at a bridge on a route leading to a Hindu temple in Madhya Pradesh, India.
Although such incidents are not new in India, the latest incident calls for sympathy. A government should know its people. It is a pity that prearrangement is not adequately done in the concerned areas before major festivals are celebrated. In this case it is reported that policemen used batons to control the crowds* resulting in panic.
The government may follow a secular policy, but people are free to follow their own faith and it is the duty of the government to provide security and facilities to the people. Secular is the most misinterpreted word in India with a population spiritually inclined for thousands of years. Politicians are interested in vote banks rather than honouring people's wishes.


Saturday 12 October 2013

A severe cyclonic storm named Phailin is about to hit the coastline of our neighbouring state Andhra Pradesh and Odissa today. Having experienced a cyclone almost 35 years ago, living in a place where the 'eye' of the cyclone passed over, I pray for the people in those areas that this storm is passing through.
A news report said 14 years ago, more than 10 thousand people died in a similar cyclone in Odissa (It was called Orissa then).
You can see the satellite image showing weather in India Here.

I request all those who read this post to pray for the people living in those areas. 
Winter is approaching in UK and Europe. My daughter who is living in UK asked me to look for some good winter clothing for her and her kids on the Internet. I found some and recommended to her. Thought I will share with others what I found on the net. There are outdoor clothing for kids like waterproofs, fleeces, shirts and T-shirts available at affordable prices.

I came here because my affiliate marketing is down due to Google's new linking policies. I am a senior citizen who depend on my own earnings. Until the beginning of this year (2013) I was getting a modest income every month from my websites promoting other merchants attached to an affiliate network. Now Google ignores my sites sites in its search results and I have no income for the last two months. However, I understand why Google has taken this drastic step.
I always go through the merchant's site checking their credibility before recommending their products to my visitors.
What I will do now is this: When I look for some product for my own use or for that of any of my friends, I will share info about that product with you all here. There is an old saying in my country (India) that says "Let the whole world share my joy!"